Updated December 30, 2024:
1. $104, 665 for the filming of our new Documentary (SHOW ME YOUR GLORY)
Our new film seeks to highlight the glory of God and present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the masses in an engaging and creative way. .
2. $72,558.94 for Walkabouts (sponsorships for fatherless campers and mentors for Summer 2025)
We are planning 11 Walkabouts for Summer 2024. This means 180 staff, campers, and mentors. In order to sponsor our camps, we are beginning the fundraising process way ahead of time.
You can sponsor one person for $1,000. Remember, most of the campers have never stepped outside an urban environment and are not equipped for hiking and camping in the mountains.
The donation covers these costs for the Walkabout:
You can sponsor one person for $1,000. Remember, most of the campers have never stepped outside an urban environment and are not equipped for hiking and camping in the mountains.
The donation covers these costs for the Walkabout:
3. $8,850 for College/Trade School Scholarships for 2025
Being an intern for Outdoor Adventures is a very essential part of the Outdoor Adventures Summer team. The interns will be intentionally discipled, learn how to disciple others, play a vital role in creating life long bonds between mentors and mentees, build life long friendships, and experience wilderness adventures that they will never forget.
Our Assistant Guides are second in command to the head guide. An Assistant Guide's role carries a lot of responsibility. From hands-on discipleship with our interns to insuring safe and organized Walkabouts every week, an Assistant Guide will experience an unforgettable wilderness ministry adventure.
Instead of compensating our Walkabout interns and assistant guides with pay, we provide them with scholarships that they can use for college, a trade school, or ministry training.
Our Assistant Guides are second in command to the head guide. An Assistant Guide's role carries a lot of responsibility. From hands-on discipleship with our interns to insuring safe and organized Walkabouts every week, an Assistant Guide will experience an unforgettable wilderness ministry adventure.
Instead of compensating our Walkabout interns and assistant guides with pay, we provide them with scholarships that they can use for college, a trade school, or ministry training.
4. $14,951 for expansion
You can adopt a city for $12,000. What does it mean to adopt a city? It means, for $12,000 you can join us in planting a sustainable fatherless ministry in a city that God has called us to. Currently, we have three new cities that we are in the process of expanding into, but we are waiting on funding.